Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hello World

The first post on my new blog! Why a blog? I don't know, why not? Right? I am a " Datacenter Consultant" for a "VAR" (Value Added Reseller) and my world has completely changed in the year and a half I have been with the company. Why? Change that's why; No two environments are the same. I have seen more new and interesting things in such a short amount of time, so I figure I would share some of the issues, ideas, and what the heck, that I have run into. I also plan on letting you guys and gals in on some of the trends and new products in the VMware world.

VeeamON 2017 Announcements

VeeamOn 2017 has turned out to be pretty good. There were lots of updates from Veeam and partners that should keep me busy for quite awhile...